General psychology: The field of psychology which deals with the fundamental rules, principles and theories of psychology in relation to the study of behavior of normal adult human beings.
Abnormal psychology: It is that branch of psychology which describes and explains the behavior of abnormal people in relation to their own environment. The cause, symptoms and syndromes, description and treatment of the abnormalities of behavior from the subject matter of this branch.
Social psychology: This branch of psychology deals with the group behavior and interrelationships of people with other people. Group dynamics, likes and dislikes, interests and attitudes, social distance and prejudices of the people in their personal and social relationships form the subject matter of this branch.
Experimental psychology: This branch of psychology describes the ways and means of carrying out psychological experiments following scientific methods in controlled or laboratory situations for the study of mental processes and behavior. It picks up animals, birds and human beings as subjects for these experiments.
Physiological psychology: This branch of psychology describes the biological ad physiological basis of behavior. The study of the internal environment and physiological structure of the body, particularly brain, nervous system and functioning of the glands in relation to the conative, cognitive and affective behavior of the human being form part of the subject matter of this branch.
Para – psychology: Deals with extra-sensory perceptions, cases of rebirth, telepathy and allied problems.
Geo-psychology: This branch of psychology describes and explains the relation of physical environment particularly weather, climate, soil and landscape with behavior.
Developmental psychology: This branch or field of psychology describes and explains the processes and products of the process of growth and development in relation to the behavior of an individual from birth to old age. It is further sub-divided into branches like Child psychology, Adolescent psychology and Adult psychology.
In APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY the branches are Educational psychology, Clinical psychology, Industrial psychology, Legal psychology, Military psychology and Political psychology.
Educational Psychology: This branch covers psychological ways and means of improving all aspect of the teaching learning process including the learner, learning process, learning material, learning environment and the teacher.
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: The branch of applied psychology describes and explains the causes of Mental illness or Abnormal behavior of a patient attending the clinic or hospital and suggests individual or group therapy for the treatment and effective adjustment of the affected person in society.
Industrial Psychology: This branch of applied psychology tries to seek application of the psychological principles, theories and techniques
for the study of human behavior in relation to industrial environment. It includes the topics or contents that are useful for improving the ways and means of knowing the taste and interest of the consumers, advertising and sale of products, selection training and placing of personnel, solving labor problems, establishing harmonious relationship between the employee and employer, strengthening morals of the workers and increasing production etc.
Legal Psychology: To study the behavior of the persons like clients, criminals, witnesses etc. It contains the subject matter for improving the ways and means of detection of crimes, false witnesses and other complex phenomena. The root causes of the crime, offence, dispute or any legal case can be properly understood through the use of this branch of psychology and subsequently proper reformatory and rehabilitation measures may be employed.
Military Psychology: This branch of psychology is concerned with the use of psychological principles and techniques in the world of military science. How to keep the morale of the soldiers and citizens high during war time, how to fight the ear of propaganda and intelligence services, how to secure better recruitment of the personnel for the armed forces and how to improve the fighting capacities and organizational climate and leadership etc., are the various topics that are dealt with in this branch of psychology.
Political Psychology: This branch of psychology relates itself with the use of psychological principles and techniques in studying politics and deriving political gains. The knowledge of the dynamics of the group behavior, judgment of the public opinion, qualities of the leadership, psychology of the propaganda and suggestions, the art of diplomacy, etc., are some of the key concepts that find place in the subject matter of political psychology.